Monday, March 01, 2010

Breakside Brewery Coming to Woodlawn Triangle

From the "Beervana" blog, we learn more about the new business that has leased the spot in the newly revamped building kitty/katty corner to Firehouse Restaurant.

We're getting a brew pub!

I am totally stoked about this because, (a) the former eyesore building that was a blight in the middle of the triangle is now a beautiful corner building with loft apartments and an eco-roof, and (b) neighbors are really going to like a brew pub - which I assume will also have food, adding to the offerings at Firehouse and Good Neighbor Pizza.

Here's a note from the brewpub owner posted on Beervana's blog:
"Hey guys and gals, this is Scott and we are indeed opening Breakside there in Woodlawn. Work inside is really going to get kicking next week 1and we plan on officially opening our doors April 1st. Feel free to stop in any time and check the place out. Once we get the beer rolling in Feb or so, we'll hand out samples to anyone in the neighborhood who wants to say hello."

Scott Lawrence
Breakside Brewery

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